
Account Report 2023 to 2024

2022/2023 Finance Report

Accounting Information and Annual Return for the year ending 31 March 2024:

Smaller authorities are exempt from sending the completed Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) to the external auditor for a limited assurance review, provided the authority completes both the Certificate of Exemption and the AGAR (Part 2). To qualify for this exemption, authorities must have a gross annual income and gross annual expenditure which does not exceed £25,000 and meet the qualifying criteria as set out in the Certificate of Exemption.

The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 provides residents with rights to inspect and question the accounts of their local authority, within a specified period. The period of time for the exercise of public rights commences on Monday 3rd June ends on 12th July 2024 . Please follow the link below to view the formal notice, and scroll down to view the associated documents.

AGAR – Notice of Public rights June 2024

AGAR- Annual Governance and Accountability return 2023/2024

Explanation of Variances 2023/2024

Bank Reconciliation 2023/2024


Applications for financial grants from Minsterworth Parish Council can be submitted, but should follow the guidance published here.